Joshua Conner Moon – The Nietzschean Übermensch

The Nietzschean Übermensch is born, his name?

Joshua Conner Moon

Destined to an eternal Sisyphean struggle against the ever growing transgender menace. His pure strength of autistic will keeping the drama forum online in a world of big tech censorship and deplatforming.

It is my hope that, in this article, we can prove the Nietzschean Übermensch is here as Der Höchste Versorger of the Kiwi Farms!

Joshua Conner Moon and his wisdom will lead us to the completion of German idealism by giving us a platform free from social media censorship!

First, we must seek out a definition for the Nietzschean Übermensch, according to ChatGPT:

A new form of humanity that transcends the limitations of traditional morality and societal norms.

Joshua Conner Moon challenges and transcends the currently accepted societal norms by oopertaing Kiwi Farms: an old style free speech forum for free-spirited debates and mocking anyone Der Höchste Versorger deems worthy of milking their luxurious cow breasts for lolz.

Without doubt, such action “transcends the limitations of traditional morality and societal norms.”

According to Nietzsche, the Übermensch is an individual who has surpassed the common herd mentality and the constraints of conventional moral values.

Despite relentless efforts by mortals and transgenders trying to enforce the common herd mentality and conventional moral values upon Kiwi Farms, the loving hand of Der Höchste Versorger always guides and protects his faithful Kiwi Kittens away from such moral restraints.

Even as the world crumbles around the Kiwi Farms server, caused by various deplatforming attempts that removed Kiwi Farms’ CloudFlare DDoS protections and Tier-1 Internet backbone routing, Der Höchste Versorger always finds a way to guide his Kittens home through the chaotic dark insomnolent nights.

The Übermensch is characterized by their ability to create new values based on their own individual will to power and their capacity for self-mastery. They rise above the herd morality that Nietzsche criticized as promoting mediocrity and conformity.

Der Höchste Versorger does not follow the world, he creates his own values that he enforces on Kiwi Farms. Yet he retains true strength of will as the bases for Kiwi Kittens’ laughter against various lolcows, laughing at their lack of self-mastery and control.

The current world is moralless, yet the true Nietzschean Übermensch Joshua Conner Moon is the master of himself by embracing true and honest willful morality, rising above mediocrity and conformity of the modern world with unparalleled self-discipline.

The Übermensch is not bound by religious or societal beliefs but instead embraces a life-affirming stance that embraces the chaos and uncertainty of existence. They reject the idea of a transcendent world and focus on creating meaning and value in the here and now. The Übermensch seeks to live authentically, pursuing their own personal excellence and expressing their creative power in all aspects of life.

The world seeks to destroy Kiwi Farms, yet Der Höchste Versorger is not deterred by such monumental struggle.

Kiwi Farms is the judgement in this world, creating and enforcing meaning and values in the meaningless modern world and enforcing them upon the world with the nerves of steel of Der Höchste Versorger.

Tomorrow it might all ends, the Kiwi Farms might never be online again, the transgender hordes attacking it might finally get the United States government to pass laws outlawing such “hate-speech” practiced on Kiwi Farms.

Nonetheless, Der Höchste Versorger carries on, without worry, towards the eternal tomorrow, for we could live in nowhere but the present, to doubt about the future is to doubt the beauty Kiwi Farms presents now. The only certainty is Der Höchste Versorger will always be there, writing codes and creating meaning in his never-ending struggle to keep Kiwi Farms online. As he has always faithfully done throughout all of his adult life.

Come what may, Der Höchste Versorger is ready and willing to face against any dangers for the preservation of the Internet’s collective knowledge stored on Kiwi Farms. The lone vigil against all evil of the modern world.

Nietzsche envisioned the Übermensch as a figure who could inspire and guide humanity toward a higher state of being. They are free from the constraints of traditional morality and embrace a more individualistic and self-determined path. The Übermensch is not limited by the judgments and expectations of others, but instead, they define their own values and standards.

Joshua Conner Moon is the figure that inspires his Kiwi Kittens to a higher, more authentic state of being. Freeing them from the persecution and moral bounds of the oppressive modern world.

Only on Kiwi Farms, could one speak the truth about the scared cows of transgenderism and degeneracy, and be free from the judgements of the modern oppressive social media control. Solely through Kiwi Farms, could one define their own values free from groupthink and mainstream liberal standards that is so common in our daily lives.

Overall, the Nietzschean Übermensch represents a concept of human excellence and self-mastery that goes beyond societal norms and conventional morality. It is a vision of a more liberated and self-determined individual who embraces the chaos of existence and creates their own values and meaning in life.

Without doubt, Kiwi Farms represents and advocates excellence and self-mastery that goes beyond the currently accepted societal norms. It is those who do not represents excellence and self-mastery (by being fat) that are the target of ridicule by Der Höchste Versorger’s Kiwi Kittens.

Der Höchste Versorger liberates self-determined individuals from social media censorship, makes them embrace the chaos that is the existence/uptime of Kiwi Farms, and gives them the tool to create threads on whoever they wish, thus enabling the Kiwi Kittens to create their own values and meaning in life.

It is my sincere wish that, with the above paragraphs, I have shown the world that Joshua Conner Moon is truly the Nietzschean Übermensch of our times.

Hail Errverlord, Hail Victory!

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